Favorite bon mots from Oli for the week....
~~Our laptop broke yesterday. I told Oliver about it when he asked me if he could play a computer game. "That's terrible!" Oliver replied in full sincerity and concern.
I told him that his dad was going to try to fix it. He said, "I can fix it!" (This was incidentally the first sentence he spoke around age 2). I explained that it would probably not be a good idea for him to fix the computer.
"I know how to fix the computer!" he insisted. I asked him how he would do it.
"Well, the first thing you have to do is screw it up. You screw it up with your screwdriver. And then you just fix it!"
~~"Jack is a pooper stinky poop pants! Poop!! Poop and fart and poop!!! (Oli's older boy cousins are all great vocab sources for him.)
~~"Mom, look! That is a little man!" (Man is sitting about 6 ft from us). "He is a man with little head!". Both were true and not knowing what to say, I told Oliver to eat a carrot.